Increase STEAM Student Grades through Equipment Training

Learn how to deliver a STEAM curriculum that is hands on, affordable, and engaging. We have carefully partnered with Using Technology Better (UTB) to make sure schools get the best out of their staff and use IT equipment more effectively in the classroom.

Course trainers all have extensive education experience and understand the process of delivering content in a way that is enjoyed, not endured.

a logo for a steam ready certified school

During this one-year online and face-to-face support program, staff will:

  • Unpack a ‘9 Building Blocks of STEAM’ for schools with goal setting and reflect practice.
  • Develop a well-structured and easy to implement STEAM curriculum that supports your school’s vision and unique culture.
  • See how STEAM can help your students be creative, communicative, collaborative and critical thinkers.
  • Have access to UBTs recommended bank of ‘Getting started with STEAM’ resources and lesson plans for teachers.
  • Build internal strength and STEAM learning capability across all teachers and students.
  • Achieve UTBs STEAM Ready Certification for schools.
  • Your school could also be called on as a future ‘UTB STEAM Ready’ showcase.

Your school will gain

  • One half day with your Leadership Team for strategic planning and goal setting.
  • One personalised and targeted Staff Development Day where you will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of tools and platforms.
  • Access to a community of online support for one of your STEAM Leadership team. They will have access to UTB’s library of resources, and their team, to have their questions answered in a timely manner.
  • A thorough understanding of what tools are available and which ones will meet your curriculum goals.
  • The ability to stay updated on changes and new releases, evaluating them for their suitability before purchasing.
  • A free ticket to UTB’s STEAM Level 1 and 2 regional workshops.

Start Improving STEAM Student Grades?

We might even be able to give you an added discount.

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Your Program Facilitator, Mark Herring

Mark is a digital learning specialist and a full time trainer at Using Technology Better. Based in New Zealand with over 10 years experience as digital learning leader in schools, Mark understands what it takes to structure digital learning programmes that ‘flow’.

Known for demonstrating ‘creative learning’ approaches for maximum learning outcomes, he is an Apple Personal Development Consultant and Google Certified Educator. He’s also experienced with STEAM education initiatives and strategies for the new digital curriculum for schools.

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