Phishing Scams

Protect Students & Staff from Phishing

Over $12 billion dollars have been stolen thanks to phishing attacks.

If you're a school that maintains your own domain, you need to consider how prepared you are for a phishing attack. We've created an anti-phishing program that provides training, automated threat detection, as well as backup and recovery services to protect you from a targeted attack.

Please note that some of these services can only be provided if you manage your own domain through Office 365

a man is fishing an email out of a laptop screen .
a man is giving a presentation to a group of people sitting at desks .

School Training and Auditing

The most critical step of stopping a phishing attack is knowing how to identify the scam.

Our phishing training servce enables you to simulate a customised fake phishing attack to your staff and students, providing you with reports on who failed the test. From there you can choose to run your own training or we can automatically subscribe the caught users to professional training content.

Tests can be run as a once off or you can request we send a few at random over the course of a year to keep your team on their toes.

Request a Phishing Protection Plan

Email Us. We’re ready to listen to your needs and create a plan for you.

Call 1300 338 638 between 9AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday for an obligation-free consultation.

Advanced Early Threat Detection

Identifying a threat before it has a chance to cause damage is extremely important. Schools with up-to-date early threat detection and filtering are less likely to ever experience an attack.

Using our virtual spam filter and AI software, we can prevent unwanted emails and intergrate directly into Microsoft Office 365 to find threats inside your mail system that traditional security gateways often miss.

Personalised to You

These two services will learn your common emailing patterns and contacts via AI to instantly recognise suspicious or fraudulant activities. Once found, action can be taken to isolate and remedy the compromised account before the damage is done.

a man in a hat is peeking out of a bush .
a laptop computer with a skull and crossbones on the screen .

Damage Prevention

Microsoft holds no responsibility to ensure your data is backed up on Office 365. If you're not backing up your Office 365, you may not be able to recover lost documents or emails in the event of a data breach.

There are many different ways to lose data, when talking about phishing attacks specifically you can fall victim to a ransomcloud attack. That means that unless you elect to pay a ransom you will lose your emails to due encryption.

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